Project Revisions to Active Permits


*NOTE:  This is our new file submittal system.  It replaces the Mercer Island File Transfer Site.


Following the instructions below will help avoid delays with the revision process.



When altering issued permit drawings to revise a project it is considered a "revision". 

When you make changes to the approved work during construction, you must first get approval from the City of Mercer Island. The Building Inspection staff can sometimes review minor changes during a field review; otherwise, approval is obtained by submitting revised documents, plans, or engineering for review. Our building inspector can determine if you need to revise your approved construction plans. This may be for altering of scope, addition of scope, removal of scope or revision to scope.

A building permit revision allows you to submit plan changes to an issued construction, demolition, mechanical, or site work permit. 

A major revision requires you to apply for a new building permit. Examples of major revisions:

  • A completely new design
  • Change in the type of construction (i.e., manufactured home ⇋ site-build, wood-frame ⇋ steel)
  • Change in occupancy that requires extensive changes to the structure (i.e., garage to ADU)
  • Moving the structure on the site, resulting in a totally new layout
  • Substantial changes in the scale/structural design (i.e., adding 500 or more sq. ft. of living space)



  • Determine if you need a revision. Talk with your design team, architect, or contractor and if you are unsure: Talk to your building inspector about proposed changes to determine if you need a revision.
  • You should discuss changes prior to making them - so the project is not unexpectedly delayed by additional drawings and approval.
  • Determine your revision type. If you are unsure to a revision, talk with your reviewer.


*The drawings as changed must meet all requirements of law. RCW 18.08.320(16).

Formatting the Plan Set: 

Please ensure you follow these requirements to allow your project to be reviewed and routed. Improperly formatted revision will be deemed incomplete and delay the intake process.

Forms and Supplemental Documents:  Any updated forms or documents should be included with your revision.  It is not necessary to resubmit unchanged forms or documents that were included with previous revisions.

Plans:  Please submit pages that are changed. A complete plan set is not required with every revision. 

  • Submit all documents in PDF file format.  (only exception is for Excel spreadsheet files) 
  •  Permit forms and supplemental documents must be submitted as separate PDF documents.  Do not combine these documents into one PDF.  
  • Formatting the Plan Set: 
    • All plan sheets must be merged into a single PDF document. 
    • Include architectural, civil, structural, and other plan sheet types as required by Permit Types (ie:  mechanical, electrical or plumbing)
    • Bookmark each plan sheet with page number and name (ie:  A1.1 Site Plan).  See our tip sheet on how to bookmark plans.
    • Set all sheets to landscape orientation
    • Minimum accepted plan sheet size is 11”x17”.  Electronically format plan sheets to print to scale on this size sheet or larger.
  • Do not make updates on the shared review file that contains City review comments.  Update the original files.  The review comments should not be part of your submitted plan. 

*Ensure that no security settings (passwords, signatures, and certificate policies) are applied to the documents.  This is required to allow city staff to add mark ups during the review process.

Frequently Asked Questions about Revisions

When Can I submit a Revision

  • Prior to permit issuance- You may not submit revisions before your first review cycle.
  • You can submit revisions as long as the permit has not expired or been finaled.

How Much Does It Cost?

  • Plan review hours are tracked and billed at the current hourly staff rate. You pay any additional hourly review time when you pick up your permit. See: Permit fee's.

How Long Does it Take?

  • We understand the urgency and complexity of construction project and do our best to serve the community.  See: Review Timelines
  • How long it takes to get the final permit depends on how complex your project is and how many corrections, if any, you need to make.

Calling for Inspections during Revision review process:

  • Once a submission for a revision is submitted we no longer automatically allow inspection(s) to be scheduled through mybuildingpermit. Please call into the inspection hotline to request inspections during a revision. Each one will require this extra step until the revision is approved. This is to prevent inadvertently causing additional inspections or re-do work. 
  • Depending on the situation the building department may sometimes require additional documentation to approve inspections/situations of continual work during revision review. 
    • An example would be: Requirement of the contractor to provide a plan of all the proposed inspections be presented to the inspector and approved by the inspector (i.e. a checklist of shear walls) and coordinated with the permit records. 

Resubmit Updated Plans

Once your submission has been prepared and have been made to revise your plans set, resubmit a complete set of corrected plans and any updated forms and documents to the Mercer Island Permit Submittal Portal.